Infinite Room – 6


Nothing could save the circumcision.
How do you save death itself?

To recap, the basic structure we have been contemplating is this:

F A T H E R  > < S O N  +  B R I D E
F A T H E R  > B R I D E <  S O N

The Tabernacle was a three storey building laid out upon the ground. Upright, it was the true Babel (I guess Christ was the first truly upright Tabernacle then, in His resurrection. The Old Covenant was a new body made from the dust, but still prostrate, awaiting the breathing in of the Spirit.) If we put this structure upright, we see the picture given to us in human relationships as holy architecture.

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[1] See Worship as Commerce and Unashamed Artisans.
[2] So the Trinity debunks hyperpreterism.

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3 Responses to “Infinite Room – 6”

  • Robert Murphy Says:

    I really like your last point. Christ Wright said something similar when they asked him if he believed in “replacement theology” (the disp. pre-mill name for supersecessionism). He said no, the Church hasn’t _replaced_ Israel, instead the Nations have been incorporated _into_ Israel, the Church.

  • Mike Bull Says:

    John Barach commented:

    “In your discussion, it seems that you have the Garden above the Land and the Garden (floating in the diagram) above the Mountain. But the land of Eden was above the Garden in Genesis 2. The river ascends in Eden, flows down into the Garden, and then out to the world.”

    John is correct! I thought that might confuse first-timers. Visually
    the mediator needed to be in the middle to get the point across.

  • Mike Bull Says:

    Actually, after some thought, John is not correct. The structure within which Adam mediated was the central one. The mountain of God was the top third of *that* structure. The centre of the lower structure was the Land into which he was expelled.

    I’ve updated the diagram to make this clearer. You can see that the spring under the Garden was the source of the four rivers.