Seed, Flesh and Skin

Members, here’s a ripe new chapter from God’s Kitchen. The book should be available some time in November.

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ART: Fig Tree, Manuden by Veronica O’Leary

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2 Responses to “Seed, Flesh and Skin”

  • Steven_Opp Says:

    The idea of uncircumcised fruit is very interesting to me, I had not seen this before. It helps make sense of the notion that Eve was being “seduced” by the devil, allowing the uncircumcision to come into her, with its seed.

    It also solidifies the suggestion that Jesus was the fruit being put back on the tree. Along with being the serpent on the pole, serpents always being the picture of uncircumcision, he was the uncircumcised fruit on the tree, where he was killed/circumcised.

  • Mike Bull Says:

    I like the way you think, crazy man. You should work in Hollywood.