Called, Divided, Filled and Reunited

A recurring pattern throughout the Bible is this one: Called, Divided, Filled and Reunited.

We see it in the exodus. The Hebrews are divided from Egypt through a divided sacrifice and a divided sea (blood and water). In the wilderness, Israel is betrothed to God by Covenant, and fed with miraculous bread. An enormous haul of grapes brings a promise of wine, but they aren’t ready for it.* After a generation, Israel is no longer just a people but an army. She has been ‘filled.’ Through another crossing of water and blood (Jordan and Jericho), she is finally united to her Husband in the promised land.

God always divides, fills and reunites. Creation consisted of three days of dividing and three days of filling the 3 new ‘chambers.’ God divided Adam to construct Eve.

In Communion, the bread and wine are given separately. Christ’s body is dividedfrom His blood. We are filled, and His body and blood are reunited in us. As we partake, we, Greater Eve, fulfill His resurrection as a holy army (Ez. 37; John 12:24).

*We see this pattern in the garden of Eden, with a bread tree (priest) and wine tree (king). Adam wasn’t ready for the wine of kingdom. It would be another generation, Noah’s, who would drink wine before God in a new land.

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