Apr 27 2017

Immediately After the Tribulation

Daniel 5 court

“After the gods of the nations have been dethroned, who will take their place?”

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Jan 24 2017

The Final Prophecy

MOSES 3D cover double CROP-S

If we want to understand the book of Revelation, we must remember that it is at the end of the Bible, not the beginning.

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Nov 17 2016

Brexit and the Binding of Satan – Part 4


Since the judgment of Babel was followed by the initiation of the circumcision, the impending end of the circumcision in AD70 explains the significance of the first century miracle of foreign tongues.

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Aug 26 2016

Brexit and the Binding of Satan – Part 3

Roman iron mask

The feet of the great statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream cannot be interpreted as a prediction of the states of modern Europe, but the lessons from their failure can certainly be applied.

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Jul 31 2015

The Leprous House

Herod Temple court

All of the arcane “personal” stipulations in the Torah find their fulfilment in the corporate worship of Israel. Just as the sacrifices were to be without blemish, so also were Israelites to be spotless if they were to stand before God. But the rules for the identification, quarantining and ceremonial cleansing of leprosy only begin with the skin of the worshiper in the wilderness. They then move to the garment, and finally to the house in the Promised Land. A failure in personal holiness would lead eventually to a corruption of corporate worship. James Jordan writes:
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Jul 28 2015

“The Forbidden Chapter” in the Tanakh

“The Forbidden Chapter” in the Tanakh
Did you know that there’s a “forbidden chapter” in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)? What’s been hidden from us all these years? It’s changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people! Watch till the end for a surprising twist!

Posted by Medabrim in English on Friday, July 24, 2015

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Jul 10 2015

Lightning from East to West

What on earth is Jesus doing?


“Based on covenant history, the fact that God’s words now enrage His enemies is not a sign of failure. It is a sign of their imminent doom.”

With same sex marriage now legalized in many Western countries, and militant Islam ravaging the East, Christians might be wondering what God is doing. With the repeated failure of predictions of an imminent second coming, is the Bible any help to us at all in predicting what will happen next? I believe it is.

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Jun 16 2015

Those Afar Off


There are no “Abrahamic” promises concerning offspring — or real estate — for New Covenant believers.

Like the dogma of evolution, the doctrine of paedobaptism is not supported by indisputable evidence. Rather, the data must be interpreted through the lens of a pre-existing framework. The paedobaptistic lens is, however, a biblical one, being Abrahamic, and it comes in extremely handy when used in the right way. It deals with the few texts which paedobaptists rely on for proof, showing that they are not establishing a revised Abrahamic tent, but bringing the old one to an end.

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Apr 19 2015

AD70: The End Times

Christians have been taught for many years that the prophecies of Jesus regarding “end times” are yet to be fulfilled.

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Apr 8 2015

Sin City – 3

Sin City – 1    |    Sin City – 2

When was “The First Resurrection”?

At the end of what we call the Old Covenant, the long history of sacrificial “ascensions” also came to an end. Along with this, all the Old Covenant saints ascended to heaven in what the Revelation calls “the first resurrection.” However, it seems to me that the sacrificial rites themselves indicate that the saints did not ascend in AD70 but instead just prior to the beginning of the Roman siege.

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