Red Bull for Bible Study

Jason Twombly has reviewed Bible Matrix on and goodreads:


Mind blowing! Did you know that Genesis One unlocks the Bible?

Often the flaming sword of Scripture is hidden beneath the systematics of study, but here Mike Bull adroitly wields the blade allowing “the Bible to speak its own language. It comes in like a sword and violates our thinking until we think the way God does. God does not speak in theological jargon or ideology divorced from reality. He speaks in the energizing, intoxicating, flesh-and-blood symbols of the Creation, and so should we.”

The Bible is living and active. It cuts so deep, even to its heart that throbs with the glory of God. The Bible Matrix acts as a stethoscope, bringing one near to hear the patterns and rhythms of that passion.

Eyes ablaze and mind engaged, the “Bible Matrix” offers structures of Scripture that integrate the Old and New into one glorious Masterpiece, leaving the reader to be read by the Author whose, “Bible recasts the shape of the way we think in order to forge the shape of the way we we live.”

This book will form your mind and fill your heart with the impressions of a Christianity that does not remain behind your eyeballs and chest, but flows through your hands and feet, on earth as it is in heaven.


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