A Vindicated Faith

Spiritual sight is a gift from God. There are many things that even the greenest Christians somehow sense yet can’t explain. The Spirit guides us into truths even before we can articulate them.

Maria, a 77 year old theology warrior on the American Vision forum, writes the following:

I got Bible Matrix on Kindle, and I’m delighted. I just started studying it, but I’m already sure it will be a great help for many people. We know that there is “harmony” in the Bible, but how to find and define a “system” within the seemingly unorganized material, is a problem for modern people, because we are educated in the Greek-Roman, “linear” thought process. Thanks to your dedicated research it became much easier.

More than forty years ago I was taking courses in philosophy, and I argued constantly with my atheist professor. I claimed that there is unity in the Bible. He, of course, had the usual humanist view that the Book is a collection of unrelated myths, preserved by ancient “sheepherders.” He challenged me to write an essay to prove my point. It was a tough assignment. I was not very convincing; I’m afraid. All I could say—based on more faith than scholarship—that although the Biblical narratives are not written in the argumentative style, they include a special “brand” of logic of their own, and they are compelling and rational in the whole. I wish I had your book at that time.

Nevertheless, this incident spurred me to study harder. Eventually, I began to put together the “jigsaw puzzle” and began to see the glorious tapestry woven together from various motifs and scenes to convey God’s message. It is a never ending work because I find more and more pieces. I’m only 77; I hope to have a few more years.

I truly appreciate your theory of “repeated patterns.” You wrote:

The purpose of identifying this pattern in the Scriptures is not to ignore their obvious message in favor of a hidden one. It is a foundation for interpreting them correctly so we can better understand the temptation and suffering we experience, and better obey God’s glorious purposes for us in Christ.

Thank you, Mike!

You should see this lady go head to head in online debate with an arrogant barbarian. She knocks ‘em dead and cuts off their heads.

Thanks for the review.


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