The End of the Covenant

A fulfilled Covenant is a house where Law and Grace miraculously dwell together as they do in God.

Coercion forms us when we are immature. Submission fills us when we are mature. Here is the first Adam and the Last. The Law written on stone is written on flesh. The Temple of stone and wood is slain by the Law and resurrected by the Spirit as a  Temple of fruitful flesh, a house of worship that reproduces itself in smaller houses—the branches of Booths—until the whole is a shelter for all nations.

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One Response to “The End of the Covenant”

  • Robert Murphy Says:

    True, true. I really appreciate the post-mill emphasis on the *progression* of revelation. Too many evangelicals/Reformed-types try to have all of history be the same. Modernism (as opposed to Post-Modernism or Van Tillianism) is too blame. We cannot have ahistorical, universal, absolute truth: we’re finite human beings forever dependent upon God.