50 Failed Predictions? – #4


11. “We shall see Him as He is.” (1 John 3: 2). Never happened in A.D. 70.

12. “We shall know, even as we are known” (1 Cor. 13: 12). Still not fulfilled — unless you redefine knowledge.

I believe the first resurrection occurred during the Jewish war. Revelation specifically teaches two resurrections bookending the kingdom age. The end of the Temple was the coming of the kingdom. We cannot spiritualise this idea and say the first resurrection is conversion. That’s not what the text says. It says that those who took part in the first resurrection lived and reigned with Christ for the millennium. They are a human government in heaven. See Big Government.

I am not conceding anything to hyperpreterists. Yes, I believe they are right (to some degree) concerning a resurrection in AD70. What they don’t take into account is the pattern of the bigger picture laid down in the Old Testament, starting in Genesis, a pattern that structures the world, the Tabernacle, and even the human body, that leaves their denial of a future resurrection and judgment without justification. A physical “Land” resurrection actually guarantees a physical “World” resurrection. See Trinitarian Judgments.

Revelation begins with a retiring angelic administration (the Law was administered by angels) who cast their crowns down as retiring “Nazirites” (see Power on Her Head.) It later describes a new human government made of Old and New Covenant dead saints, and it seems some who remained alive in Jerusalem. Like Lot’s family, they were “tithed” out of the city before it fell, the dead and the living. See 7000 Who Have Not Bowed to Baal – 3. The image is sacrificial. The Altar transforms those on it, they ascend through the Laver (the crystal sea) to the Incense Altar as the new elders around the throne. The only thing that doesn’t seem to fit is Paul’s “we all.” I am prepared to interpret this little phrase in the light of the big picture. After all, the Thessalonians thought the event might have already passed. Were they worried they had missed it? Or were they aware it concerned the dead and the remaining apostolic church. How would you take “we who are alive and remain” written to you in a letter? At the very least, Paul was convinced this event would occur in the lifetime of those he was writing to. To doubt this is to doubt his inspiration, and therefore everything he wrote.

Jesus, as perfect High Priest, was the true “bread of the face.” The apostolic church now faces Him as heavenly government, elders with incense, co-mediators, joint-heirs. They see Him as He is (as John did in Revelation 1). As we ascend by faith to heaven in our weekly worship, as John did on the Lord’s Day, we take part in their ministry of governing the world.

This first resurrection is what is described in Zechariah 14. The old Altar-mountain is broken in two by Jesus’ legs (the pillars of the New Temple). The saints head west into the Temple (up) and sinners are sent east (as ash into the Altar, swallowed by the Land as the sons of Korah) as the Azal goat. See The Peskiest Chapter in the Bible.[1]  There is also a diagram in Totus Christus for the lawyers, accountants and engineers among us. Again, the context is sacrificial. The cross was the offering of the head. The massacre of the apostolic church was the offering of the body. The sacrifice was completed in AD70. Both head and body ascended to God as a pleasing aroma. It was a world “made new” by blood. See how Leviticus 1 recapitulates Genesis 1 in blood here.) This also requires, I guess, that those resurrected are flesh and blood in heaven the same as Jesus is.

[1] Remember, Adam headed east out of the Garden. Cain headed east out of the Land. And the sons of Joktan, Shemites who compromised with Nimrod, journeyed east to do so. To head east was head away from the presence of the Lord. Just as the Tabernacle was a tower to heaven laid out on the ground – west is up and east is down. Jesus’ coming was like lightning from east to west—into the Temple. Our sins are sent as far from us as the east is from the west. Always two goats, always.

13. There is still sorrow and crying for people who inhabit the New Jerusalem. Rev. 21: 4.

Not for the apostolic church. See Saved From The Green Horse.

14. Entire nations weren’t saved in A.D. 70. Rev. 21: 24.

This position of this sentence within the stanza puts it at Trumpets. It merely means the Gentiles joining the Covenant to make Israel fruitful. This literary structure goes right back to the animals submitting to Noah. See Feasts in Matthew 13 for an example.

15. The living nations were never gathered before Christ’s throne in A.D. 70. Matt. 25: 31-46; Joel 3.

As Jesus describes the kingdom, He working His way through the Tabernacle/Feasts pattern. At the beginning of Matthew 25 He is up to the Lampstand/Pentecost, so we have the parable of the wise and foolish virgins (this is also a reference to the harlotry of Israel with Moab and the sons of God and the daughters of men, going right back to the harlotry of Eve with satan. Literary structure is everything.) At Trumpets, He speaks about the faithful use of cold, hard cash (money is common at this step, including Jesus’ reference at the Last Supper to the disciples now requiring swords and moneybags.) What follows? The Day of Atonement. Instead of two goats, we have sheep and goats divided. Finally, at Tabernacles, He refers to offering food and drink to strangers, the spirit of which feast Israel continually failed to understand. In context, the poor Gentiles asking for crumbs under the table were Jesus Himself. Remember, His audience here is the Pharisees.

Joel 3 refers to the Restoration era, completed in the events of the book of Esther. Once again it uses Creation, Feasts and Tabernacle imagery. Typologically there is a similarity to the first century: Israel was slain and resurrected, and Gentiles submitted to the Covenant. We see this in the exile and Restoration. Esther specifically records Gentile rulers submitting to Mordecai.

16. “Behold, we shall not all sleep” (1 Cor. 15: 51-52). All of Paul’s original audience fell alseep! [note: sleep means physical death — see 1 Cor. 15: 20].

See objections 11-13 above.

17. All Christ’s enemies are still not destroyed. see 1 Cor. 15: 25-26.

Good point. This is where hyperpreterism comes undone. I divide this passage into three resurrections. See Three Resurrections – 1.

However, Jesus ruled over Israel for 40 years (as David did). Enthroned as Solomon in AD70, married to His bride, he followed Solomon’s example and killed off all the enemies of the previous administration. That is what a peaceful kingdom looks like. Mr. Obama should take note and get some of this wisdom.

18. Christians are still not delivered from this “present evil age” (Gal. 1: 4).

That was written 2000 years ago. And an event called “the end of the age” came soon after it was written.

19. The apostles finished the cities of Israel before the Son of Man “came” (Matt. 10: 23; cf. Col. 1: 23).

Paul was using poetic license because he was following the Totus Christus pattern. See Colossians 1 again.

20. The apostles have never sat on thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel (Matt. 19: 28).

See Twelve Thrones.


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