Kingdom and King


Well, here’s Day 6 at last, and the end of Genesis 1 (this is a really bad chapter division!)
Here’s the rest of this series:   1 2 3 4 5

In this final act of Creation, the Lord puts the lords in the palace. As James Jordan observes, ancient kings sat on thrones of beasts. As king, Solomon was enthroned over lions. His priestly government, imaged in the bronze sea, was enthroned over twelve “tribal” sacrificial bulls, carrying the living water to the nations. And in the Revelation, we see the four beasts filled with eyes beneath the throne of God. The animal kingdom was, in some important sense, to become Adam’s throne.

If you’ve read Bible Matrix, you’ll also have seen that Israel’s history follows the Creation Week, with the four Gentile “beast” empires preceding the final “empire of The Man” Christ Jesus (Daniel 7). Using the matrix, we can also see that the initial history in Daniel 1-6 follows the same pattern, with Daniel’s “dominion” over the lions (turning them into “mutes”) situated at Day 6. And, of course, Noah was also enthroned over those “from afar off.” And then, looking at the entire biblical history, at the Last Day, Jesus will be the one fully enthroned over every enemy, with every “beastly” mouth stopped.

The Lord formed the Land on Day 3, and gave it a preliminary filling which corresponds with Day 7. But the “eaters” of those firstfruits turn up on Day 6:

1 – Light      >      4 – Lights
2 – Waters/Firmament     >     5 – Birds and Fish
3 – Land     >    6 – Mediators
3.5 – Grain & Fruit Plants    >     7 – Rest: Bread and Wine

Watch 12 year old Zack Block explain it here.



Then said God,
…..“Bring forth from the Land
……….the breathing (flesh) animals in species: (forming)

……………mute beasts, (Rulers, wilderness)
……….and crawlies, (Swarms)
…..the animals of the Land in species; (sacrificial Mediators) (filling)

and it was so. (future)

[Notice that just as the stanza ends with Succession, forming and filling also each end with a Succession, the “kinds.”]


And God made:
…..the animals (flesh) of the Land in species,
……….the mute beasts in species,
…..and the crawlies on the Land in species.
And God saw that it was good.

[Creation is the initiating word. Division is the installation of the new delegation. This seems to be a five-fold scroll rather than a seven-fold Creation, perhaps awaiting the dominion of man at the centre. We do, however, see the “speaking” or sacrificial animals in the upper level, the mute ones in the literary “wilderness” and the “swarms” as plagues/sanctions in their usual spot. Here, they are all given Succession, offspring.]


Then God said,
…..“Let Us make man in Our image,
……….according to Our likeness;
……………let them have dominion
……….over the fish of the sea,
……….over the birds of the air,
…..and over the animals,
…..over all the Land
and over every creeping
thing that creeps on the Land.”

[Here is the sacrificial animal that speaks literally rather than merely symbolically. Notice the command to be a “ruling light” at the centre of the matrix. The “image” speaks of delegation or mission. The “likeness” speaks of form.  Somehow, in this structure, Adam is the Altar of Land and all other life rests upon him. True dominion is service. For a preliminary period, Adam is a little lower than the animals (the earthly symbols of angels).]

Testing (Rulers, Ethics)

So God
…..created man
……….the image;
……………the image of God
……….He created him;
…..male and female
He created them.

[Notice man and woman on Day 6. Another literary structural support for credobaptism following the new birth. Man and woman are the sacrificial head and body on the Day of Coverings. Eve also moves the entire structure from forming to filling, from singular to plural.]

Maturity (Plurality)

Then God blessed them,
…..and God said to them,
……….“Be fruitful and multiply;
……….fill the Land and subdue it;
……………have dominion
……….over the fish of the sea,
……….over the birds of the air,
…..and over every living thing
that moves on the Land.”

And God said,
…..“See, I have given you every herb [that] yields seed
……….on the face of all the Land,
……….and every tree whose fruit yields seed;
……………to you it shall be for food.
……….To every animal of the Land,
……….to every bird of heaven,
……….and to everything that crawls on the Land,
… which lives life,
…..every green herb for food”;
and it was so.

[Conquest corresponds to the entry to the Promised Land. In Israel’s annual calendar, the sixth feast took the Land from Israel, put it into the grave and gave it back to them anew for another year. Notice that the food test seems to be right at the centre, in the wilderness. The multiplied blessings of the animal kingdom upon the Land are at Step 5, and the “nephesh” sacrificial life seems to be at Day 6. In this structure, it is now an ascended Adam resting on the animals, as they carry him enthroned into a new world.]

Then God
…..saw everything
……….that He had made, (Formed)
……………and behold (Lampstand)
……….[it was] very good. (Plunder not plagues)
…..So the evening and the morning (Day of Coverings)
were the sixth day. (Succession)

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